Returns the conversion rate between the two given currencies.
The conversion rates are updated a few times a day. They are for informational purposes only and should not be used for financial decisions.
CONVERT_CURRENCY(from_currency_code, to_currency_code, [from_amount])
from_currency_code |
(Required) The initial currency. A 3-letter currency code. |
to_currency_code |
(Required) The final currency. A 3-letter currency code. |
from_amount |
Amount in from_currency_code to convert to to_currency_code. The default value is 1. |
More information
Note: The examples use old exchange rates.
About the conversion rates:
- They are for informational purposes only and should not be used for trading or financial decisions
- They are updated a few times a day
The list of available currency codes can be found on our provider’s site:
It may be useful to use the ROUND
function if you want fewer digits in the result.