Finds the data table row that contains a value in the specified column


DT_LOOKUP(table_identifier, column_identifier, value)



(Required) The identifier of the table to search in


(Required) The identifier of the column in which to search for the specified value


(Required) The value to search for in the specified column


Example Result

DT_LOOKUP(“employees”, “role”, “manager”).email

[email protected]

DT_LOOKUP(“employees”, “role”, “wrong_role”)


More information

This function searches for the specified value in the column of the specified table.

If the value is found, the whole row of the data table is returned. To use values from that row, there are 2 options:

  1. Use a dot (.) and the identifier of the column.
  2. Use a dot and parentheses (.() to execute code similarly to DT_CHOICES’s second parameter. Between the parentheses, you can use any column with its identifier prefixed by a dot (.).

You can find examples of using the dot and parentheses (.() in the “Operator . (dot)” documentation.

Returns NOTHING if the value is not in the data table column.

Reports an error if the data table or the column doesn’t exist.

See also