Concatenate multiple texts into a single one


CONCAT(text1, text2...)



(Required) Starting piece of text


(Required) Next piece of text


You can use more than 2 texts, they will all be concatenated together. See examples below


Example With these variables Result

CONCAT(“Many “, “words”, “ here”)


“Many words here”

CONCAT(country1, “, “, country2, “!”)

country1 is "Canada"
country2 is "Belgium"

“Canada, Belgium!”

“Many words “ & “here”


“Many words here”

CONCAT(“Many”, [” words”, “ and”, “ more”], “ here”)


“Many words and more here”

More information

Values are texts, dates, numbers or lists of such values. Values inside a list are treated as values given to CONCAT.

All values are turned to text using TEXT.

If you want to have a separator between each value (such as turning a list of words into a comma-separated text), then consider the TEXTJOIN function instead.

You can also use the & operator to concatenate values. It does the same thing as CONCAT, as long as it does not use lists, but is shorter and needs no parentheses.

Using the & operator with lists will trigger a list calculation. See Operator & for details.

See also