Operator & (Concat)

Concatenate two texts into a single text


left_text & right_text



(Required) Value to concatenate


(Required) Value to concatenate


Example With these variables Result

before & after

before is "It's about"
after is " time!"

“It’s about time!”

“Many Words” & “ “ & “Here”


“Many Words Here”

name & “ is a “ & role

name is "Max"
role is "Developer"

“Max is a Developer”

”$” & price * nb_items

price is 9.99
nb_items is 3


“Many” & [” words”, “ and”, “ more”] & “ here”


[“Many words here”, “Many and here”, “Many more here”]

More information

Each value can be any of a text, a date or a number. They are turned into text using TEXT.

This is a shortcut for using CONCAT. Note, however, that the behaviour is different with lists. CONCAT will treat each value of the list as values it received and return a single text. For the operator &, a list calculation will be triggered, returning a new list with the result of the operation for each entry in the list.

If used with other operators, then & is evaluated before comparison operators like = and <, and after mathematical ones like * and +.

See also